Level 09

There’s a C setuid wrapper for some vulnerable PHP code.

To do this level, log in as the level09 account with the password level09. Files for this level can be found in /home/flag09.

Source code


function spam($email)
  $email = preg_replace("/\./", " dot ", $email);
  $email = preg_replace("/@/", " AT ", $email);
  return $email;

function markup($filename, $use_me)
  $contents = file_get_contents($filename);

  $contents = preg_replace("/(\[email (.*)\])/e", "spam(\"\\2\")", $contents);
  $contents = preg_replace("/\[/", "<", $contents);
  $contents = preg_replace("/\]/", ">", $contents);

  return $contents;

$output = markup($argv[1], $argv[2]);

print $output;
